Shifting the MIMO paradigm

Gesbert, David; Kountouris, Marios; Heath, Robert W; Chae, Chan-Byoung; Sälzer, Thomas
IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Volume 24, N°5, September 2007

Recipient of the 2012 Signal Processing Society Signal Magazine Best Paper Award

In multiuser MIMO networks, the spatial degrees of freedom offered by multiple antennas can be advantageously exploited to enhance the system capacity, by scheduling multiple users to simultaneously share the spatial channel. This entails a fundamental paradigm shift from single user communications, since multiuser systems can experience substantial benefit from channel state information at the transmitter and, at the same time, require more complex scheduling strategies and transceiver methodologies. This paper reviews multiuser MIMO communication from an algorithmic perspective, discussing performance gains, tradeoffs, and practical considerations. Several approaches including non-linear and linear channelaware precoding are reviewed, along with more practical limited feedback schemes that require only partial channel state information. The interaction between precoding and scheduling is discussed. Several promising strategies for limited multiuser feedback design are looked at, some of which are inspired from the single user MIMO precoding scenario while others are fully specific to the multiuser setting.

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