Bounds on the throughput capacity of wireless Ad Hoc networks with non-uniform traffic

Tabet, Tarik;Knopp, Raymond
SECON 2004, 1st IEEE International Conference on Sensor and Ad Hoc Communications and Networks, October 4-7, 2004, Santa Clara, USA

We establish lower bounds on the capacity of wireless ad hoc networks with two types of non-uniform traffic patterns. We first focus on the impact of traffic patterns where local communication predominates and show the improvement in terms of per user-capacity over ad hoc networks with unbounded average communication distances. We then study the capacity of hybrid wireless networks, where long-distance relaying is performed by a fixed overlay network of base stations. We investigate the scaling of capacity versus the number of nodes and the density of base stations in the area of the network. The throughput capacity results under these two scenarios hold with probability one as the number of nodes goes to infinity.

Santa Clara
Systèmes de Communication
Eurecom Ref:
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