On the achievable rates of multiband UWB systems

Souilmi, Younes;Knopp, Raymond
International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, Volume 10, N°4, October 2003, special issue on UWB systems

In this work we study the achievable rates of memoryless signaling strategies adapted to ultra-wideband (UWB) multipath fading channels. We focus on strategies that do not have explicit knowledge of the instentaneous channel realization, but may have knowledge of the channel statistics. We evaluate the average mutual information of the general binary flash-signaling rates as a function of channel statistics and derive random coding bounds for m-ary PPM using different noncoherent receivers as well as an imperfect coherent receiver. Then we extend the results to multiband m-PPM signaling and show that for data rates on the order of 400 Mbits/s, at 4 m distance between the transmitter and the receiver, can be achieved using simple noncoherent receivers.

Systèmes de Communication
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© Springer. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, Volume 10, N°4, October 2003, special issue on UWB systems and is available at : http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/B:IJWI.0000022052.21264.fb

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