Optimal power allocation and scheduling for two-cell capacity maximization

Gjendemsjø, Anders;Gesbert, David;Øien, Geir E;Kiani, Saad G
WIOPT 2006, 4th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks
April 3-7, 2006, Boston, USA

We consider the problem of optimally allocating the base station transmit power in two neighboring cells for a TDMA wireless cellular system, to maximize the total system throughput under interference and noise impairments. Employing dynamic reuse of spectral resources, we impose a peak power constraint at each base station and allow for coordination between the base stations. By an analytical derivation we find that the optimal power allocation then has a remarkably simple nature: Depending on the noise and channel gains, transmit at full power only at base station 1 or base station 2, or both. Utilizing the optimal power allocation we study optimal link adaptation, and compare to adaptive transmission without power control. Results show that allowing for power control significantly increases the overall capacity for an average user pair, in addition to considerable power savings. Furthermore, we investigate power adaptation in combination with scheduling of users in a time slotted system. Specifically, the capacity-optimal singlecell scheduler [1] is generalized to the two-cell case. Thus, both power allocation and multiuser diversity are exploited to give substantial network capacity gains.

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