A three-layered architecture for socially intelligent agents: modeling the multilevel process of emotions

Lisetti, Christine Laetitia; Marpaung, Andreas
ACII 2005, 1st International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, October 22-24, 2005, Beijing, China / Also published in LNCS Volume 3784

In this article, we propose the design of a three-layered agent architecture inspired from the Multilevel Process Theory of Emotion (Leventhal and Scherer, 1987). Our project aims at modeling emotions on an autonomous embodied robotic agent, expanding upon our previous work (Lisetti, et al., 2004). Our agent is designed to socially interact with humans, navigating in an office suite environment, and engaging people in social interactions. We describe: (1) the psychological theory of emotion which inspired our design, (2) our proposed agent architecture, (3) the needed hardware additions that we implemented on a robot, (3) the robot's multi-modal interface designed especially to engage humans in natural (and hopefully pleasant) social interactions.

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© Springer. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in ACII 2005, 1st International Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent Interaction, October 22-24, 2005, Beijing, China / Also published in LNCS Volume 3784 and is available at : http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11573548_122

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