An overview of the WIDENS MAC/PHY layer for rapidly deployable broadband public safety communication systems

Nikaein, Navid;Knopp, Raymond
Research report RR-05-143

This report presents the European Commission Framework 6 IST project entitled WIreless DEployable Network System (WIDENS) that is focused on development of a system concept and technology for rapidly deployable ad hoc broadband public safety networks. The output of the WIDENS project will provide a demonstrator to validate the technology developed in the project and will contribute the development of technical specications in the context of the transatlantic project MESA. The WIDENS project will contribute to joint EU efforts supporting R&D activities targeting harmonized international standardization of integrated communication system in support of public safety. The purpose of this Industry/Academia collaborative research effort is to design, prototype and validate a vertically integrated rapidly deployable and scalable communication system for future public safety, emergency and disaster applications. In such scenarios, the communication system must be highly reliable to allow rescue teams to work and collaborate quickly and efciently. Such operations are strongly dependent on the availability of the communication links both to rescue operators on the elds and to the central control room. However, in disaster areas, the links and central control are subject to failure, leading to a complete collapse of the network. To address these issues, WIDENS exploits the advantages of wireless mobile ad hoc networks in accordance with public safety usage scenarios.

Systèmes de Communication
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© EURECOM. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in Research report RR-05-143 and is available at :