A scheme exploiting memory in opportunistic multiuser beamforming is proposed. The scheme builds on recent advances realized in [1] in the area of multi-user downlink precoding and scheduling based on partial transmitter channel state information (CSIT). Although the precoding and scheduling done in [1] is optimal within the set of unitary precoders, it is only so asymptotically for large number of users. Secondly, this scheme is unable to exploit potential time correlation of the channel. In this paper, we show 1- that exploiting memory in the transmitter allows to fill the gap to optimality for fixed (even low) number of users for time correlated channels, 2- how such schemes ([1] and ours) can be extended to take fairness into account in the proportional fair sense.
Memory based opportunistic multi-user beamforming
ISIT 2005, IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory, September 4-9, 2005, Adelaide, Australia
Systèmes de Communication
Eurecom Ref:
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