A channel predictive proportional fair scheduling algorithm

Bang, Hans Jørgen; Ekman, Torbjörn;Gesbert, David
SPAWC 2005, 6th IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, June 5-8, 2005, New York City, USA

There is growing interest in the area of cross-layer design. This paper addresses the problem of multi-user diversity scheduling together with channel prediction. Recent work demonstrates that the mobile radio channel can be linearly predicted, quite accurately, several milliseconds ahead in time for realistic Doppler spreads. We show how this information can be exploited in an original fashion to improve the so-called throughput-fairness trade-off in multiuser wireless fading channel scheduling. Simulations show that the proposed algorithm can give considerable throughput gains without compromising fairness. The current approach builds on the proportional fair scheduling technique but can also be generalized to other criteria.

New York City
Systèmes de Communication
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