How bad is reliable multicast without local recovery?

Nonnenmacher, Jörg;Lacher, Martin S;Jung, Matthias;Biersack, Ernst W;Carle, Georg
INFOCOM 1998, 17th Annual IEEE Conference on computer communications, Gateway to the 21st century, 29 March-2 April 1998, San Francisco, USA

We examine the impact of the loss recovery mechanism on the performance of a reliable multicast protocol. Approaches to re-liable multicast can be divided into two major classes: source-based recovery, and distributed recovery. For both classes we consider the state of the art: For source-based recovery, a type 2 hybrid ARQ scheme with parity retransmission. For distributed recovery, a scheme with local multicast retransmission
and local feedback processing. We further show the benefits of combining the two ap-proaches and consider a type 2 hybrid ARQ scheme with local retransmission. The schemes are compared for up to 10 6 receivers under dif-ferent loss scenarios with respect to network bandwidth usage and completion time of a reliable transfer. We show that the protocol based on local retransmissions via
type 2 hybrid ARQ performs best for bandwidth and latency. For networks, where local retransmission is not possible, we
show that a protocol based on type 2 hybrid ARQ comes close
to the performance of a protocol with local retransmissions.

San Francisco
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