MM Talk

Carmelo Velardo - Senior Researcher in Oxford
Multimedia Communications

Date: -
Location: Eurecom

The EDGE project: Towards a modular mHealth service infrastructure for chronic conditions This talk tries to make the case for the idea of a general and modular service infrastructure to manage chronic conditions (e.g. diabetes, obesity, COPD) remotely. The presentation will introduce the audience to the needs of modern National Health Services and will try to explain why the mobile revolution represents the best opportunity we have to improve and fix those big complex systems. Strategies that we have implemented and used in a series of Randomised Controlled Trials (RCT) will be presented with a special focus on EDGE, a project trying to help people suffering from Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease live a better life. We will explore the design phase of the study, the implementation phase, and the post-study phase where all the data collected during the RCT are analysed for results. Challenges and opportunities offered by data will be discussed and results will be presented under the form of data obtained by in-app analytics and vital signs analysis. The final part of the talk will be dedicated by a short presentation of the future plans to integrate all lessons learned into a new, modular, mHealth infrastructure that will help managing multiple chronic conditions.