Georgios Paschos - Huawei Technologies, France Communication systems
Date: - Location: Eurecom
Abstract: To accommodate the increasing demand for information transport, it is crucial to operate communication networks in an efficient manner. In applications where many users request the same information (including software updates, video broadcast, sensor commands, etc) an efficient and quick way to communicate is the network broadcast scheme. We will study the following setup: we are given a graph with a special node acting as the source and every other node of the network acting as a receiver. The goal is to achieve maximum broadcast throughput rate, i.e. ensure that all receivers acquire distinct packets at a rate equal to the rate of injecting new packets at the source. This is possible whenever the rate is less than the broadcast capacity of the network. In the talk, I will derive the broadcast capacity of wired and wireless networks. Then I will focus on designing dynamic optimal algorithms which adapt to variations of the input rate and achieve the broadcast capacity, thus they are called “thoughput optimal”. The policies go along the lines of the famous backpressure policy for adaptive routing in mobile networks. More precisely, I will propose a throughput optimal policy for Directed Acyclic Graphs, and then present a multiclass extension that works for Cyclic graphs. Bio: Since Nov 2014, Georgios is a principal researcher at Huawei Technologies, Paris, France, leading the Network Control and Resource Allocation team. Previously, he spent two years at MIT in the team of Prof. Eytan Modiano. For the period June 2008-Nov 2014 he was affiliated with “The Center of Research and Technology Hellas - Informatics & Telematics Institute” CERTH- ITI, Greece, working with Prof. Leandros Tassiulas. He also taught in the University of Thessaly, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering as an adjunct lecturer for the period 2009-2011. In 2007-2008 he was an ERCIM Postdoc Fellow in VTT, Finland, working on the team of Prof. Norros. He received his diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering (2002) from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and his PhD degree in Wireless Networks (2006) from ECE dept. University of Patras (supervisor Prof. Stavros Kotsopoulos), both in Greece. Two of his papers won the best paper award, in GLOBECOM 07’ and IFIP Wireless Days 09’ respectively. He serves as an associate editor for IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, and as a TPC member of IEEE INFOCOM.