Georgio PACHOS - Communication systems
Date: - Location: Eurecom
Speaker: Georgios Paschos Huawei Technologies, Paris, France Abstract: The talk aims to provide highlights of theoretical research undertaken at the Huawei Labs on the topic of Software Defined Networking. The focus is on SDN controllers, and in particular on algorithms for network optimization. The first part of the talk involves the topic of online routing for traffic engineering. We pose the problem of online routing in the context of modern SDN architectures, where decision making for routing of a large network is required to be lightning fast. We propose a decomposition of online routing to two subproblems: (i) an offline problem where we design the "pathbook", i.e., a subset of paths with good properties, and (ii) an online problem where an algorithm chooses paths from the pathbook. This procedure exploits the ability of SDN to monitor network operation to enable superfast routing decisions. In the second part of the talk we briefly discuss algorithmic aspects of two other interesting topics: distributed control plane architectures, and network slicing. Speaker's Bio: Since Nov 2014, Georgios is a principal researcher at Huawei Technologies, Paris, France, leading the Network Control and Resource Allocation team. Previously, he spent two years at MIT in the team of Prof. Eytan Modiano. For the period June 2008-Nov 2014 he was affiliated with “The Center of Research and Technology Hellas - Informatics & Telematics Institute” CERTH- ITI, Greece, working with Prof. Leandros Tassiulas. He also taught in the University of Thessaly, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering as an adjunct lecturer for the period 2009-2011. In 2007-2008 he was an ERCIM Postdoc Fellow in VTT, Finland, working on the team of Prof. Norros. He received his diploma in Electrical and Computer Engineering (2002) from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and his PhD degree in Wireless Networks (2006) from ECE dept. University of Patras (supervisor Prof. Stavros Kotsopoulos), both in Greece. Two of his papers won the best paper award, in GLOBECOM 07’ and IFIP Wireless Days 09’ respectively. He serves as an associate editor for IEEE/ACM Trans. on Networking, and as a TPC member of IEEE INFOCOM.