Cognitive Network Routing to Optimize QoS, Minimise Energy Consumption and Improve Security

Prof. Erol Gelenbe (Imperial College, London, UK) -
Communication systems

Date: -
Location: Eurecom

Abstract: We present the design principles of a Cognitive Routing scheme based on neural networks to optimize composite Goal functions that include the QoS, Security and Energy Consumption in Packet Networks. Three experimental architectures will be presented based on (i) cognitive routers, (ii) Overlay routing, and (iii) Software Defined Networks. The three approaches use Random Neural Networks that act as smart oracles for routing decisions and that are trained using reinforcement learning (RL). Each of the three approaches will be illustrated with measurement results Biography: Erol Gelenbe FIEEE, FACM is Professor in the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Visiting Professor at Imperial College and researcher at UCA/I3S. He coordinates the H2020 Research and Innovation Action SerIoT to develop a secure IoT network with several industry and academic partners, and is active in other collaborative projects. ACM’s SIGMETRICS Award 2008 stated that Erol is “characterized as the single individual who, over a span of 30 years, has made the greatest overall contribution to the field of Computer System and Network Performance Evaluation through original research, mentoring and doctoral training, creation and direction of world class research groups, wide ranging international collaboration, and professional service.” In conferring him the Commandeur du Me´rite Honour (2019), Mme Vidal stated that “Vos travaux sur la mode´lisation et l’e´valuation des performances des syste`mes informatiques vous ont depuis impose´ comme un chercheur de premier plan et vos travaux vous ont valu de nombreux prix scientifiques ainsi que plusieurs doctorats honoris causa. Vos contributions technologiques sont, elles-aussi, remarquables .. “. His awards include the In Memoriam Dennis Gabor Award (Hungarian Academy of Sciences), IET UK’s Oliver Lodge Medal, Grand Prix France Te´le´com (French Academy of Sciences), Chevalier de la Le´gion d'Honneur and Commander of Merit of Italy. A Fellow of the National Academy of Technologies of France and Science Academies of Belgium, Hungary, Poland and Turkey, he has graduated 86 PhDs.