On linear-channel based noised subspace parameterizations for blind multichannel identification

Ayadi, Jaouhar;Slock, Dirk T M
SPAWC 2001, 3rd IEEE Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, 20-23 March, 2001, Taoyuan, Taiwan

In a multichannel context, the problem of blind estimation of the channel can be parameterized either by the channel impulse response or by the noisefree multivariate prediction error filter and the first vector coefficient of the vector channel. The noise subspace, spanned by a set of vectors that are orthogonal to the signal subspace, can be parameterized according to different linear parameterizations. In the first part of this paper, we begin with the reasons due to which second- order-statistics-based estimation techniques give accurate channel estimates. In the second part, we focus on the different noise subspace parameterizations in terms of blocking equalizers and classify them. We present linear (in terms of subchannel impulse responses) noise subspace parameterizations and we prove that using a specific parameterization, which is minimal in terms of the number of rows, leads to span the overall noise subspace.

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