Feedback and cooperation in interference-limited networks

Gesbert, David
Habilitation à diriger des recherches (French qualification for conducting Phd theses), April 2013

Together with the increased density of wireless equipments, the aggressive reuse of frequencies planned in next generations wireless networks results in a novel situation where interference is no longer just an issue but rather emerges as the key limiting factor. As an element of the solution lies the notion of network coordination and cooperation which can take place between transmitters, before interference is generated. Although cooperative communications was until recently much associated with the notion of relaying, this concepts is now re-inventing itself to find its way into the cellular network framework, notably as a way to deal with interference using distributed MIMO concepts. More generally coordination can take place is a variety of domains such as resource control, scheduling, beamforming, interference alignement, etc.


A common fundamental aspect between various manners of controlling interference through cooperation is the need for feedback and exchange of information among the cooperating nodes. This poses interesting new questions related to "how prior much information is really necessary and where?" or "can cooperation take place in a distributed manner?" or "how robust cooperation can be devised?"


In this talk we revisit transmitter cooperation under the prism of limited feedback and limited information exchange. We draw connections with the field of team decision theory and show examples of results in the context of distributed PHY layer cooperation.

Systèmes de Communication
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© EURECOM. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in Habilitation à diriger des recherches (French qualification for conducting Phd theses), April 2013

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