Dr. Marc-Oliver Pahl - TUM - Chair of Network Architectures and Services Communication systems
Date: - Location: Eurecom
Abstract: Our physical environments are getting smarter. More and more previously “dumb” devices such as lighting devices, heating devices, or even cooking devices provide remote control interfaces. Today, such remote interfaces are typically accessed via vendor-proprietary web services, or smartphone Apps that implement device-specific remote control. In the future, all available smart devices within a physical space could become connected. This would allow the development of applications implementing comprehensive control. The resulting interaction with all smart space entities will enable entirely new applications. Since 2008, Marc-Oliver Pahl is working on the Distributed Smart Space Orchestration System (DS2OS) [1]. DS2OS is an operating system for connecting all smart devices within a smart space and comprehensively orchestrating them. It targets enabling an App economy for smart spaces. His talk will address key challenges when designing such a system including programming interfaces, interface standardization, and security. [1] http://www.ds2os.org/ Bio: Marc-Oliver Pahl (http://s2o.net.in.tum.de/) is a senior researcher and lecturer at Technical University of Munich. He leads the Smart Space Orchestration research at the chair for Network Architectures and Services. His current research targets making Pervasive Computing become reality for “the masses”. Major challenges for realizing software orchestration of smart spaces are semantically connecting, and managing distributed smart devices and services in a secure and easy to use way. During his PhD he developed the Distributed Smart Space Orchestration System (DS2OS), which structures and facilitates the creation of services that implement Pervasive Computing scenarios. The design of DS2OS provides a basis for crowdsourced software development for smart spaces, complementing the hardware maker culture that is currently emerging with platforms such as the Arduino. In 2003, Marc-Oliver Pahl created one of the first eLearning-supported hands-on labs in Germany. He developed a special blended learning concept for supporting and motivating students in their learning. Until 2016 more than 1800 students practically acquired basic and advanced networking skills in his lab courses. In 2013, Marc-Oliver received the Ernst Otto Fischer teaching price from Technische Universität München. Marc-Oliver connects his various teaching activities with his educational research.