TinderBook: Fall in love with culture

Palumbo, Enrico; Buzio, Alberto; Gaiardo, Andrea; Rizzo, Giuseppe; Troncy, Raphaël; Baralis, Elena
ESWC 2019, 16th European Semantic Web Conference, 2-6 June 2019, Portoroz, Slovenia / Also published in LNCS, Vol.11503

More than 2 millions of new books are published every year and choosing a good book among the huge amount of available options can be a challenging endeavor. Recommender systems help in choosing books by providing personalized suggestions based on the user reading history. However, most book recommender systems are based on collaborative filtering, involving a long onboarding process that requires to rate many books before providing good recommendations. Tinderbook provides book recommendations, given a single book that the user likes, through a card-based playful user interface that does not require an account creation. Tinderbook is strongly rooted in semantic technologies, using the DBpedia knowledge graph to enrich book descriptions and extending a hybrid state-of-the-art knowledge graph embeddings algorithm to derive an item relatedness measure for cold start recommendations. Tinderbook is publicly available (http://www.tinderbook.it) and has already generated interest in the public, involving passionate readers, students, librarians, and researchers. The online evaluation shows that Tinderbook achieves almost 50% of precision of the recommendations.

Data Science
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© Springer. Personal use of this material is permitted. The definitive version of this paper was published in ESWC 2019, 16th European Semantic Web Conference, 2-6 June 2019, Portoroz, Slovenia / Also published in LNCS, Vol.11503 and is available at : https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-21348-0_38

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