ZHAO Xuran

Person has left EURECOM
  • ZHAO Xuran


  • Xuran Zhao received his bachelor degree in Electronic Science and Technology from Shanghai University (China). He then went to study in France and obtained the engineer diploma from SUPELEC (École Supérieur d'Electricité) in 2009. He worked at Rolls Royce Civil Nuclear in Grenoble for 6 months as an engineering intern. Thanks to a double degree program, he went to study in Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, USA, and in May 2010, he graduated with a Master of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering. During the period, he did researches in medical image processing.
  • In September 2010 he joint EURECOM in Multimedia department as a PhD candidate with TelecomParisTech and is supervised by Assistant Professor Nicholas Evans and Professor Jean-Luc Dugelay. His research is focused on Multimodal Biometrics and Co-Training.