Does EURECOM help students to find an internship?

Students will have to be autonomous in their search of internship, yet EURECOM provides several supports to help them.


EURECOM provides students with an access to a large database of internship opportunities provided by its industrial partners. This database is made available to students on time so that they can directly apply via this database with their CV and motivation letter. Each semester, EURECOM has around 300 internship opportunities (3 times more than the number of students).
Students will also be invited to take part in Job Forums where they can meet directly with recruiters from companies. EURECOM will organize workshops on how to write efficient CVs and motivation letters.
Professors may also help by recommending sources of potential internships for students who rank well in their courses.

In any case, students are advised to start early enough to look for internships, since the recruitment process can take time. A manager of the Academic Affairs Department is in charge of helping students in their internship procedures and ensuring that the process is going smoothly.