HOURS Hadrien

Person has left EURECOM
  • HOURS Hadrien


  • Hadrien Hours was born in 1986 in Aix-en-Provence, France.
  • From September 2004 to July 2006, he did Mathematics, Physics and Engineering Science and Mathematics and Physics at the Ecole Preparatoire of Lycée Thiers, Marseille, France.
  • He joined Télécom Bretagne in September 2006 and did one Erasmus semester in the Facultad de Informatica de Madrid (Spain).
  • From 2008 to 2009, he worked for Bouygues Télécom (Aix en Provence, France) as an intern with Performances and Optimizations missions, along with Dimensioning and Architecture.
  • In 2009 he went back one semester to Télécom Bretagne and from March 2010 he attended the Networking Track in EURECOM.
  • He got his engineering diploma from Télécom Bretagne in 2011 for Engineer in Telecommunication in Networking Track.
  • He based his master thesis in Technicolor Paris Research Lab on House Automation: Energy Monitoring under the supervision of the Professor Ernst Biersack from EURECOM and Laurent Massoulié from Technicolor
  • He is now doing a PhD under the supervision of Professor Ernst Biersack which subject is Trouble Shooting on Web Browsing.