Does EURECOM help me find accommodation?

EURECOM does not have in-house campus residences, yet our staff helps students find a flat by providing them with accomodation contact data

Students have the following options:

  • Public residence halls; these are the cheapest options (around 380€/month) as they are run by a public institution CROUS. Like other schools in Sophia, EURECOM has a limited number of rooms for its students in Valbonne (residences Isaac Newton and Les Dolines). Students who confirm their admission early will have more chances to secure a room due to the limited number.The CROUS requires a guarantor located in France or in the UE, or a bank guarantee equivalent to 3 month-rent. The bank guarantee is made after the opening of the bank account.
  • Private residences: there are several private residences very close to EURECOM (5-10 min on foot)
  • Offers from private landlords. Students can rent an individual flat or share a flat with other tenants. 

Offers from private landlords and private residences are all united in an online Housing Platform which is accessible to admitted students: (a Password is needed).