About Me

I am an assistant professor in the Data Science department at EURECOM. I hold a junior chair at the 3IA Institute Côte d’Azur and I am a visiting Senior Lecturer within the School of Biomedical Engineering & Imaging Sciences at King’s College London.

My current research focuses on the development of machine learning techniques that can be safely deployed in high risk domains, such as healthcare, by addressing data complexity, low tolerance to errors and poor reproducibility. My research agenda is structured around three axis:

  1. Interactive machine learning for data handling
  2. Quality control of deployed models
  3. Definition and setup of evaluation and validation frameworks.

with applications in biomedical image analysis and sensor data.


  • 29-03-2024: Paper accepted in Scientific Reports. A nice collaboration led by U. Barcelona
  • 28-03-2024: Reviewer for Samy Chali's PhD defense at Université Paris Saclay
  • 25-03-2024: Examiner for Renne Gu's PhD viva at King's College London
  • 05-03-2024: I am an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions in Medical Imaging
  • 09-02-2024: We are presenting an I-VESSEG demo at WAICF 2024

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