ERC Advanced grant - David Gesbert


David Gesbert, Prof. and Head of the Communication Systems Department at EURECOM, obtained an ERC Advanced Grant scholarship in 2015 for his research on wireless communication systems beyond the 5G standard. A promising funding that will make it possible to influence deeply the mobile communications of the future, and which confirms the quality of the research conducted at EURECOM.


A perfume of technological rupture

This ERC sesame - with a success rate of up to 12% - rewards of course emerging researchers, but above all able to propose projects of rupture, bringing a new dimension to their discipline. This is exactly the case of David Gesbert, a world-renowned specialist in mobile communications and whose project promises to establish a new paradigm in mobile communication. This project, with its highly evocative acronym PERFUME, for high PERFomance FUture Mobile nEtworking, aims to make better use of the "computing and memory" resources of any connected object, both at the level of the objects themselves and at the level of communication between them. This is a continuation of the development of 5G, which should be standardized within five years.

Because communicating the tens of billions of "connected objects" planned in the medium term can not be done via a conventional centralized network as we know it today. This is as much for safety and cost reasons as for technical difficulties in contexts where the existing infrastructure is reduced. The idea of ​​David Gesbert is thus to exploit the calculation capacities of the connected objects - limited at the individual level certainly, but enormous at the collective level. The objective is to give these objects more control, to establish a cooperative decision-making process between two close objects to then go back up the "pre-digested" information to the central element of the network, generally the antenna -relay. Given the largely underutilized resources of connected objects today, one understands how such a project can profoundly transform wireless communications.


Long-term funding

Thanks to this scholarship from the European Research Council, David Gesbert now has a budget of 2.4 million euros to develop his project which could impact wireless systems beyond the standard 5G and above all allow to manage the Explosion of mobile data to come.
Long-term funding spread over 5 years that will allow him to devote his time entirely to research.