Advanced Wireless Technology


The Advanced Wireless Technologies group explores ideas emanating from fundamental research within Eurecom and community at large which have concrete applications scenarios, in particular related to broadband cellular and public-safety networks. We strive to bring ideas to life through experimentation with both real-time RF prototypes and scalable emulation and simulation platforms.  We disseminate through world-class conferences and journals as well as through publicly-funded projects on industrial technologies.  A secondary goal is to have tangible impact on 3GPP standards through our projects with industry.

In a nutshell, our current focus is on:

  • : Wireless technology platform for deployment of mock networks (Cellular + Mesh)

  • Interference management in wireless networks

  • Exploitation of feedback mechanisms for increased spectral efficiency and reduced latency/complexity

  • Relaying strategies and collaborative communications for Cellular and Mesh networks

  • Computer Modeling of broadband communications (Propagation + Link)

  • Embedded systems for reconfigurable/multimodal radio